Standard F200 Error Codes

Standard F200 Error Codes

Warning Messages hidden Operator ID Press ‘OK’ not entering the operator’s ID. SolutionEnter the operator’s ID First, and then press ‘OK’ Not connected USB Not interting USB. SolutionConfirm USB is inserted correctly. Password...
Standard F100 Error Codes

Standard F100 Error Codes

Warning Messages Warning: Low Battery At this time, battery is getting low but you can still perform about 10 tests. Solution:Replace the battery as soon as possible. Warning: Replace Battery Battery power is low. If you press the Enter button after discharging of the...
SD LipidoCare Error Messages

SD LipidoCare Error Messages

Warning Messages Hypo Warning Message When your glucose result is equal to or less than the Hypo setting value, the HYPO icon will appear Warning Your test result is higher than the measuring range of the parameter. Warning Your test result is lower than the measuring...
Quo-Test Error Codes

Quo-Test Error Codes

Operational Error Messages To access the log files listing results or error messages please refer to the Retrieving a Result from the Analyzer Memory section of this Manual. hidden Analyzer warming up Description The analyzer is warming up. Resolution Wait for the...
LDX Error Codes

LDX Error Codes

Information codes caused by test-specific limitations hidden WARN 2 Problem Cassette expiration date, month has been reached. Action to Take Check calendar in the analyzer to make sure it is set correctly. Check expiration date on cassette pouch or box. A/D Error...
HEMO Control Error Codes

HEMO Control Error Codes

No display, no response to entries hidden Battery is empty Power the instrument with the power adaptor; allow the battery to recharge completely Battery is defective Instrument can only be operated when powered with the power adaptor. Software does not respond Perform...