Standard F200 Error Codes

Warning Messages

Operator ID

Press ‘OK’ not entering the operator’s ID.

Enter the operator’s ID First, and then press ‘OK’

Not connected USB

Not interting USB.

Confirm USB is inserted correctly.


Entering incorrect password of supervisor.

Enter valid and correct password.

There isn't the UpdateFile

Updated file doesn’t exist in the USB.

Confirm that the updated file is in USB. When ensuring the updated file, insert USB and press ‘OK’.

Select the Filename

Not selecting the setting file in ‘Load Settings’ menu.

Check the file name and select it correctly.


Not selecting in review data list.

Press ‘Send selected result’ after selecting the result.

Unregistered Operator ID

Entered operator ID does not be registered.

Add operator ID in set mode.

Out of Paper

There is no printer paper in analyzer.

Refill printer paper.

Incorrect IP address

Check IP address.

Confirm that entered IP address and input correct IP address.

Full memory

Store the maxium of 3 000 data.

If the next test result is measured after this warning, the oldest result is erased.

Error Messages

E01: Test Driver Error

The test device is damaged or inserted improperly.

Discard the test device and re-test with a new test device and a new specimen.

E02: Blood Specimen Error

An insufficient blood has been applied.

Discard the test device and re-test with a new test device and a new specimen.

E03: Expired Test Device

The test devices are expired.

Re-test with the new test device with non- expired date.

E04: Temperature Error Unknown Barcode

The environmental temperature is above or below the operating range of the analyzer.

Move to an area in the acceptable temperature range for the test device, and perform the test. Do not heat or cool the analyzer artificially.

E05: Communication Error

The communication between analyzer and barcode or printer is failed.

Connect again between analyzer and external device. If the error continues after turning ON/OFF the analyzer, please contact SD BIOSENSOR, Inc.

E06: Out of Total Hemoglobin

The measured total hemoglobin is out of the range of 7 to 23g/dL.

This error occurs with a specimen known to have total hemoglobin in the abnormal range. If the error continues after turning ON/OFF the analyzer, please contact SD BIOSENSOR, Inc.

Result: Extremely Low C line

The test is invalid.

Re-test with the new test device and the new patient’s specimen. If the error continues after turning ON/OFF the analyzer, please contact SD BIOSENSOR, Inc.

E12: Calibration Overdue

The calibration is overdue.

If the error continues after turning ON/OFF the analyzer, please contact SD BIOSENSOR, Inc.

E13: Not Supported Test Device

Loading test device is not proper for the analyzer.

Check the type of the test device whether it is manufactured by SD Biosensor, Inc.


Internal Error Message for the Analyzer Internal error has appeared.

If the error continues after turning ON/OFF the analyzer, please contact SD BIOSENSOR, Inc.