LDX Error Codes

Information codes caused by test-specific limitations


Cassette expiration date, month has been reached.

Action to Take

Check calendar in the analyzer to make sure it is set correctly. Check expiration date on cassette pouch or box.

A/D Error

Internal hardware problem.

Action to Take

Disconnect/Reconnect analyzer from power supply. If message reappears, call Alere.

Bad Checksum

Indicates a defective ROM pack.

Action to Take

Unplug the analyzer. Remove ROM pack and install a ROM pack from an analyzer that is functional. If analyzer is functional with the ROM pack, then the problem is the ROM pack and it will have to be replaced. Call Alere.

Calibration Fail Call Tech Service

An electrical problem occurred, or the analyzer lost its optical calibration information.

Action to Take

Disconnect/Reconnect analyzer from power supply. If message reappears, call Alere.

Data file empty

This is a normal message that appears:

Action to Take

1. When the optics check has been run and DATA button is pushed.
2. A cassette has been run, the power supply has been unplugged from the analyzer, and DATA button is pushed.
3.When an error message occurs, i.e., “Used Cassette,” and DATA button is pushed.

End of data info

This is a normal message that appears:

Action to Take

1. CHD risk is off and DATA button is pushed twice after results appear.
2. Framingham risk is on and the STOP button is pushed when “Risk? – RUN =yes, STOP=no” appears.

Expired Cassette

Cassette expiration date, month has been reached.

Action to Take

Check calendar in the analyzer to make sure it is set correctly. Check expiration date on cassette pouch or box.

Low Battery

Internal battery voltage is too low.

Action to Take

Call Alere. Internal battery is not user serviceable.

Mag Read Error See User Manual

Unable to read magnetic stripe on the cassette.

Action to Take

Wipe magnetic stripe with a soft tissue and restart test. If second test fails, repeat test using a new

Check cassette position; magnetic stripe must be on the right.

If message reappears, call Alere.


RUN button pushed without cassette in drawer.

Action to Take

Place cassette in drawer before pushing RUN button.


Reaction Did Not Occur (nnnn)

Insufficient sample volume was applied to the cassette due to air bubbles or incompletely filled capillary tube or pipetting error.

Action to Take

1. Repeat test with a new cassette and new fingerstick

2. Repeat test with a new pipette tip and cassette. Be sure pipette tip is firmly in place.

Reaction Did Not Occur (nnnn)

Insufficient sample volume reached reaction pads due to high hematocrit of sample.

Action to Take

Repeat test with a new cassette and new fingerstick sample. If message reappears, test patient by alternate method.

Reaction Did Not Occur (nnnn)

Improper sample collection: Sample clotted because it was left in capillary tube too long.

Action to Take

Repeat test with a new cassette and new fingerstick sample. Pay close attention to proper technique.

Reaction Did Not Occur (nnnn)

Improper sample collection: Finger was milked to obtain sample, or capillary tube was filled too slowly.

Action to Take

Repeat test with a new cassette and new fingerstick sample. Pay close attention to proper technique.

Reaction Did Not Occur (nnnn)

The cassette is malfunctioning.

Action to Take

Repeat test with a new cassette.

RH Sensor Fail

The humidity sensor has become disconnected or has failed.

Action to Take

Call Alere.

Selftest Fail

analyzer has lost internal memory; temperature malfunction or hardware problem.

Action to Take

Disconnect/Reconnect analyzer from power supply. If message reappears, call Alere.

Temp Too High See User Manual or Temperature Out of Range

The analyzer is in an environment outside its proper temperature range.

Action to Take

Move the analyzer to another location or wait until the current location reaches acceptable temperature.

Too Much Light See User Manual

The analyzer is in an environment with excessively bright light.

Action to Take

Move the analyzer to a location with less light. When light level is acceptable, it will again become operable.

Tray Timeout See User Manual

The cassette is jammed in the tray.

Action to Take

Press RUN; the drawer will come out. Replace the cassette flat in the drawer and press RUN button.

Tray Timeout See User Manual

The microprocessor is confused because the buttons were pressed too quickly.

Action to Take

Disconnect/Reconnect analyzer from power supply. Repeat test with a new cassette. If message reappears, call Alere.

Used Cassette (nnnn)

A previously used cassette has been placed in the analyzer.

Action to Take

Repeat test with a new cassette. Dispose of used cassette appropriately.

Used Cassette (nnnn)

The cassette was placed in the drawer incorrectly.

Action to Take

Repeat test with a new cassette. Call Alere if message reappears.

Used Cassette (nnnn)

The cassette is malfunctioning.

Action to Take

Repeat test with a new cassette.